Mirror Chair

The "Mirror Chairs" collection consists of four uniquely designed chairs, created through experiments with camera effects. Unlike traditional Monoblock chairs, each chair in this collection possesses a distinct identity and an almost poetic quality. Some chairs are challenging or nearly impossible to use as standard seating, encouraging contemplation and alternative interpretations of their function. They explores the boundaries of form and utility in furniture design.


“Men are catoptric animals, that is, animals that have had experience with mirrors“, says Umberto Eco. We are the only animals capable of using the mirror as an instrument, by using its reflective properties to our advantage and for our pleasure. Kai Linke developed a series of chairs that take advantage of the properties of reflection to create a unique generated by two identical halves. According to a Zen proverb, beauty is the deliberate and partial interruption of symmetry, but not this time.“

by Luca Spagnolo

Mirror Chair
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